Alphabetical Order Rules
All comic books for sale are listed alphabetically by the first letter of the comic book's name.
If a name begins with 'The' or 'A', ignore them. So, 'The X-Men' comic books are listed under 'X' and 'The Outer Limits' is listed under 'O'.
Comic books with a number as its title are alphabetized by the way the name is pronounced. So, the comic titled '52' is under 'F' for 'Fifty-two' and '2001: A Space Odyssey' is under 'T' for 'Two thousand and one'.
Our alphabetical list of comic books list differs from the Overstreet Price Guide because Overstreet does not correctly alphabetize. Overstreet eliminates all spaces between words and makes believe a comic book with multiple words is all one word.
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I know, Overstreet makes no sense, but that's what they do it. In contrast, we paid attention in 3rd grade and we correctly alphabetize our comic books for sale.
If you do not know the exact title of comic books you are looking for, type any words that you think are in the comic book's title into the search box at the top of this page.
The top selling comic books that begin with A are Alpha Flight comic books 1983 series, Amazing Adventures comic books 1970 series, Amazing Spider-Man comic books 1963 series, Archie comic books and Avengers comic books 1963 series
You can also Search 7 more ways. Just go to the top of the page and look in the right column.